Flatout 2 Pc Game Cheats
Play Instructions: Install the game - Full Installation. Apply the official FlatOut v1.2 RUSSIAN Patch.; Replace the original FLATOUT2.EXE file with the one from the File Archive. Retro game cheats for FlatOut 2 (PC). Freeola has over 100,000 cheat codes for 12,348 games. Cheats PC FlatOut 2. Cheats for FlatOut 2 on PC. To enter cheat codes in FlatOut 2, from the Main Menu go to Extras and then Enter Code. Input one ore more of the following cheat codes to unlock the corresponding effect: ELPUEBLO Unlocks the El Diablo. GIEVCARPLZ Unlocks the School Bus. GIEVEPIX Unlocks all cars and gives 1,000,000 credits.
Flatout 2 Pc Controller
Select the 'Extras' option at the main menu, then choose the 'Enter Code' selection. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
- All tracks
Enter 'GIVEALLCheats for battlefield vietnam pc game. ' as a code to unlock all tracks.
All cars and 1 million creditsEnter 'GIEVEPIX' as a code to unlock all cars and get one million credits.
1 million creditsEnter 'GIVECASH' as a code.
Big RigEnter 'RAIDERS' as a code to unlock the Big Rig.
FlatmobileEnter 'WOTKINS' as a code to unlock the Flatmobile.
El DiabloEnter 'ELPUEBLO' as a code to unlock the El Diablo.
PimpsterEnter 'RUTTO' or 'BIGTRUCK' as a code to unlock the Pimpster.
RocketEnter 'KALJAKOPPA' as a code to unlock the Rocket.
School BusEnter 'GIEVCARPLZ' as a code to unlock the School Bus.
Get a 97% game completion in Career mode by getting first place in cups and stunts to unlock the Bullet GT.
InsettaWin the Race Finals to unlock the Insetta.
VenomFlatout 2 Pc Game Cheats Pc
Win the Derby Finals to unlock the Venom.
High score in Stone Skipping eventFlatout 2 Pc Game Cheats Ps4
To get a really good score in Stone Skipping, use the following steps. Do not start out going forward. Instead, start out going backwards until you hit the wall behind you. Go to the end of the diving board and launch your driver at about 40 degrees. Keep trying to get all either 'Perfects' or 'Greats' and you might be able to bounce over the walkway that blocks you from going any further (not the walkway directly next to where you launch your driver, but the one near the end).