List Of Video Game Cheats

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  2. List Of Video Game Cheats Games
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  6. List Of Video Games Consoles

It's easy to appreciate why cheat codes have gone down in video game folklore; using special inputs to access stuff that should really remain out of reach has a certain glamour to it, as the.

While they’ve fallen out of popularity in recent years, video game cheats and secrets were the topic of discussion on the playground in the ’80s and ’90s. Some tricks, like the Konami code and Super Mario Bros’ Warp Zones became almost universal knowledge, but other cheats never quite gained the same kind of traction. Today a game’s secrets are all discovered and posted on a well-formatted web page within hours of its release, but back in the day cheats could actually fall through the cracks.

So, here are a few secrets you may not know about games you might’ve been playing for 25 years or more. Some of these cheats could have saved your younger self a lot of frustration, but hey, better late than never, right? Let’s start playing these classic games right

You Can Continue After a Game Over, And Select Stages From the Intro Screen

Everyone knows about the infinite lives Koopa Troopa trick, but all those lives wouldn’t be so necessary if Super Mario Bros. actually had continues. Well, lo and behold, it turns out it actually does.

When you die in Super Mario Bros. just hold down A on the Game Over screen, then just press start like usual on the title screen (while still holding A) and you’ll start back at the beginning of whatever world you were on. So, if you lost all your lives on World 8-3, you’d can continue at World 8-1. Not perfect, but it basically means you can continue battling away at level 8 without repeatedly having to play through early stages to access Warp Zones.

Oh, and once you beat the game and unlock hard mode, you can select your level from the intro screen by holding down the B-button for a second.

No need for this nonsense any more.

Bloopers Can’t Touch You at the Bottom of the Ocean

List Of Video Game Cheats Age Of Empires 2

I hate Bloopers more than anything ever. Their unpredictable patterns just wig me the eff out. Well, turns out there’s a very easy way to avoid them. Just sink to the bottom and walk along the floor of any water level and the Bloopers won’t be able to touch you. You’ll have to do some swimming to get over some obstacles, but still, you’ll be a lot safer overall.

This guy’s doing it wrong.

Get Up At 9 To Recover All Your Health

Of course we all know pushing select between rounds in Punch-Out!! will get you a vigorous, life-restoring shoulder-rub from your Carl Winslow-looking trainer, but there’s a lesser-known health-restoring trick that’s actually more useful.

When you’re knocked down, try to recover as close to Referee Mario’s 9-count as possible. The longer it takes you to get up, the more health you regenerate, so if you get up at 9, you’ll get a solid 95% of your health back. Getting up as quickly as possible may feel like the manly, fighting thing to do, but if you do, you’re actually shooting yourself in the foot.

Stay down, Little Mac! Or at least stay down until 9!

It’s Possible to Kill Phantos Escape room game cheats secret agent.

I lied up above when I said I hate Bloopers more than anything – Phantos, the terrifying invincible masks that chase you when you pick up a key in Super Mario Bros. 2 are actually significantly worse. So, I’m very happy to report that there is a way to kill these seemingly indestructible menaces.

If you stop time with a stop watch, then hit a Phanto while powered up with a star you can actually kill the evil bastard. Just hitting it with a star alone won’t effect it. The recipe for dispatching gaming’s greatest nightmare – you’re welcome.

There’s a Super Jump That Makes You Impervious to Pits

There’s Nintendo Hard platformers and then there’s the Mega Man series. The Blue Bomber’s games require a level of platforming precision that’s demanding even by 8-bit standards, so it may surprise you to know there’s trick in Mega Man 3 that makes you impervious to falling in holes.

You’ll need two controllers and maybe a helpful friend to make this trick work. If you hold down right on controller two, Mega Man will jump much higher than usual and be able to survive falls into chasms. When you do fall into a pit, Mega Man’s life will deplete, but he won’t actually be dead, and he’ll then rocket out of the pit and be invincible until you grab a health power-up.

You Don’t Have to Die to Save

The Legend of Zelda is an undisputed classic, but it isn’t without it’s odd design choices like, for instance, only letting you save once you’ve died. But what if you don’t want to sacrifice yourself to save your progress? Thankfully, it turns out Zelda does have a secret save screen, because yeah, saving is totally something you want to make a hidden Easter egg. Old games, man, old games.

To get to the secret screen you’ll need two controllers – on controller one, press and hold start, then on controller two, hold up and A. Now you can save without having to die like a dweeb.

Quick! Save!

You Don’t Need Keys if You Have the Fairy Spell

The Fairy Spell is one of the more mysterious and interesting power-ups in Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. For the most part, you use it to fly to otherwise inaccessible areas, but it also has other uses like, for instance, completely negating the need for keys. When in fairy form just fly around near the keyhole of a locked door and Link will pass right through the door without the need for a key.

To hell with this noise.

Hammer Bros. Can Be Turned Into Coin Ships

The Hammer Bros. that stomp around the Super Mario Bros. 3 overworld maps are mostly useless and kind of a nuisance, but did you know it’s possible to turn them into ships loaded to the brim with delicious coins?

List Of Video Game Cheats Games

The method for transforming Hammer Bros. into cash is a bit complex, so follow along closely. You need to beat a stage with a coin count that’s a multiple of 11, and a score where the second last digit matches your multiple of 11 and the last digit is a zero. So, if you beat the stage with 44 coins, the second last digit of your score would have to be a four, followed by a zero. Oh, and you also have to beat the stage with an even number of seconds on the clock. Phew.

Do all that, and the Hammer Bros. marauding around whatever map you’re on at the moment will turn into a white ship filled with several 1-ups worth of dem sweet, sweet coins.

One of the Walls in That Damn Speeder Bike Level is a Warp

The speeder bike stage in Battletoads is one of the most infuriating challenges in gaming history. You’ll smash into countless walls trying to get surpass it, but it turns out you’re actually supposed to crash into one of those walls. During the final sequence when the walls really start flying by at a ridiculous pace, intentionally ram into the 10th wall (it’s one of the ones on the bottom) and you’ll warp directly from Level 3 to Level 5.

Just looking at this picture makes my hands sweat.

You Can Make the Game Give You More Long Pieces

Turns out Tetris is pretty smart for an 8-bit game, but its smarts can be exploited. Tetris keeps track of how much you jostle pieces around as they fall, and since the designers of the game were jerks, the pieces you move around more are assumed to be giving you more trouble and thus served up more often. So, if you want more long, “I” shaped blocks (and who doesn’t) just jerk them back and forth as they fall, and the computer will “punish” you with more of them. [Note: This only works on the Nintendo version of Tetris, and not the unofficial Tengen version of the game.]

Mmmm, yeah, get that long block up in that slot.

So there you have it, a few lesser-known cheats and secrets from the 8-bit era. You may have already known a few of them, but I bet you didn’t know all of ’em. What about you folks? Do you have any favorite old-school cheats? Know any secrets you rarely hear people discuss? Share away.

Almost every player has found a little secret inside the video game they are playing. A reference to a previous release of the same saga, a combination of keys that reveals a little hidden video game, a funny joke written on the walls . . . Those are examples of what is normally called an easter egg (term that was born as a reference to the egg hunt during Easter) which is anything that developers intentionally hide from the normal path of the player. Cheat codes are a subset of easter eggs that are normally activated by entering some kind of password or buttons combination in a particular part of the game. A a result, a new feature or uncommon behavior is unblocked and revealed. The question is why developers have used them since the first video games were published and why do they keep including these back doors?

Cheating is Fun!

Although sometimes cheating makes things too easy due to the wider range of possibilities: You could be working hard to earn money day by day and suddenly make one million dollars by finding the right trick online. Or you could be stuck in the same level for months and find a sequence that allows you to jump directly to the next level. If you are a game developer, be careful with including cheat codes that are shortcuts. Some players will love these simplifications, but others will prefer the harder path because they find it more rewarding.

Going Through the Back Door

For example, if you are designing the final level of your platform video game but you just want to test the mechanics of the final boss it may be a little tedious to go through the level every time. Just include a cheat code and go directly to the end!

Cheat codes have been recurrent throughout video game’s history mainly because of those two reasons. Here are 5 video games examples of games that used cheats perfectly.

Sonic the Hedgehog is one of those few video games that is a synonymous of nostalgia (especially for people my age). Its debug mode is one good example of a cheat code added by developers to explore the extreme conditions of the game engine and its physics. The cool thing about this cheat is that allows the player to move, duplicate, and delete any kind of entity inside the game and then play it. Almost like a Sonic level editor inside the original game.

How to Activate?

It depends on the Sonic game and the release, but all games from the original Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis 1991) to the last re-releases for mobile platforms have contained this cheat.

In the first Sonic game from 1991 players could access debug mode by pressing:

  • Up, C, Down, C, Left, C, Right, C, A + Start

In Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles, debug mode even allows to modify the direction of the gravity so Sonic and enemies fall upside down.

More Sonic codes.

Doom is considered to be the initial first-person shooter videogame when it was launched in 1993 and also one of the firsts to use cheat-codes extensively in order to make things easier for newbie players.

How to Activate?

For PC version, press CTRL + Alt + ~, enter one of the following and press Enter:

  • “iddqd”

This code activates “God Mode”. It has been included all over the different versions of the game. It gives the player 100% health and makes him not damageable unless the Nightmare difficulty is set.

  • “idspispopd”

Players can wall through walls, enemies, and other elements in the level without effect

  • “idmypos”

It displays the character’s coordinates and direction in hexadecimal (Only to be interpreted by the most expert computer engineers)

More Doom codes

All GTA games can be played in two ways: by accomplishing mission after mission or by going around the vast open universe the game provides. I personally prefer the last option and it gets even better thanks to the imagination of the Rockstar people who included tons of cheat codes that change the weather, make an uncommon vehicle appear, change the traffic’s behavior, modify main character clothes, etc.

How to Activate?

From the cheat-codes list that can be easily consulted on-line for the GTA Sant Andreas (PC version) I would select as favorites:

  • Type “ROCKETMAN” while playing

Spawn a jetpack. It is not as spectacular as a plane, but you can fly and land almost anywhere.

  • Type “KANGAROO”

This will make CJ (your main character) jump three times higher. Get a jetpack with the previous code to get to the tallest skyscraper and jump from roof to roof. Be careful, though, since fall damage still applies!

  • Type “AEZAKMI”

Basically diplomatic immunity: complete freedom to do anything without being chased by the police.

  • Type “BSXSGGC”

Cars will explode when you hit them with your car. Enjoy the destruction.


You will be only to fly with your car as if it were a plane. If you are being chased by the police they will fly with you if going too fast.

More GTA San Andreas codes

The premise of this video game is simple: you have to live a life through your Sims, and as in real life, it is hard to save money every month. That is why the cheat codes to earn money easily became the most popular ones. It helped the players that preferred building big and fully equipped houses develop their imagination without spending too much time on the “playable” part.

How to Activate?

  • Control + Shift + C + typing “klapaucius” (unpatched version)
  • Control + Shift + C + typing “rosebud” (patched version)

This code gives one thousand simoleons (game’s fictitious currency). For each “!;” you add after the code, an extra 1,000 will magically appear in your family’s account.

The Sims contains an extensive list of cheat codes such as the “move_objects on” that people used to delete the shower while the Sims were having a shower in order to see them naked. It is funny how this and removing the ladder from the swimming pool are the things we enjoyed the most. People are strange.

Cheat Codes Video Games

More Sims codes

This is hands down the most famous of all cheat codes. Perhaps because it is has appeared in more than 100 games made by Konami, unlocking a different feature in each one of them. It was created by Kazuhisa Hashimoto who was developing the video game Gradius back in 1985. He found the game too hard to test so he included the sequence to achieve all bonuses at once. He forgot to delete the code and the game was launched with it and included in future video games where its popularity grew to overcome the most difficult levels.

This code is so famous that is has even crossed into the world wide web. Entering the combination in Google Hangouts will change conversation’s background to a mountainside with trees and blue skies. There is a webpage that contains a list of other webpages that reveal a secret when entering the Konami Code (of course you can only access the list by entering the Konami sequence). It has even appeared in the movie Wreck-it Ralph and in one episode of The Amazing World of Gumball. For decades, web developers have been hiding the Konami Code in their web sites. It never hurts to try out the code on your favorite websites and see if anything happens!

How to Activate?

List Of Video Game Cheats Ps4

You should know it by now, but just in case:

List Of All Video Games

  • Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start

List Of Video Games Consoles

Big Head Mode, Low Gravity, Infinite Ammo, you name it. Do you also have a cheat code you can not play without?